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Acl – Ada
Ádá – Ada
Adb – Adi
Adj – Ado
Adr – Aes
ÆTH – Ağa
Aga – Ago
Ágo – Agu
Agy – Ahm
Ahn – Aid
Aïd – Air
Ais – Aka
A-K – Aki
Akk – Al
Al. – Ala
Al- – Alb
Alc – Ald
al- – Ale
Åle – Ale
Alë – Al-
Alh – Ali
Al- – All
Al-L – Ally
Alm – Alo
Alp – Alt
Al- – Alt
Al- – Alv
Al- – Ama
Amb – Ame
Amf – Amm
Amo – Ams
Amt – Ana
Anb – And
Ané – Ang
Äng – Ang
Anh – Ann
AnoD – Anow
Anq – Ant
Anu – Ape
Apf – App
Apr – Ara
Ará – Arc
Ard – Are
Arè – Ari
Arı – Arl
Ärl – Arm
Arna – Arnz
Aro – Arr
Ars – Art
Aru – Asa
Asb – Ash
ASI – Asp
Asq – Ast
a's – Ate
Atg – Ato
Atr – Aub
Auc – Auf
Aug – Aul
Aum – Aus
Aut – Ave
Avé – Avo
Avr – Aya
Ayb – Ayv
Ayz – Azu
Azw – Azz
Discover Artists
Louis Anquetin
(French, 1861–1932)
Pieter van Anraedt
(Dutch, born circa 1635–1678)
Emi Anrakuji
(Japanese, 1963)
Karl Anrather
(Italian, 1861–1893)
Alois von Anreiter
(Austrian, 1803–1882)
Hans Anreiter
Boris Vaslievich Anrep
(Russian, 1883–1969)
Anri (Co.)
(Austrian, established 1872)
Adrien Joseph Anrion
(Flemish, 1730–1773)
Gaspard Anrioud
(French, 1809–1866)
Andrey Anro
(Belarusian, 1987)
Anton van Anrooy
(Dutch, 1870–1949)
Andrea Innocenza Ansaldi
(Italian, 1734–1816)
Paul Ansaldi
Piero Ansaldi
(Italian, 1940)
Ferdinando Ansaldo
Giovanni Andrea Ansaldo
(Italian, 1584–1638)
M. Ansaldy
Jose Mario Ansalone
(Argentine, 1943)
Edouard-Gaetan-Charles Ansaloni
Gabriele (Red Ronnie) Ansaloni
(Italian, 1951)
Nazgol Ansarania
Massoud Ansari
Mona Moein Ansari
Mostafa El Ansari
Jessie Ansbacher
(American, ?–1964)
Brandon Anschultz
(American, 1972)
G. F. M. Anschutz
Georg Friedrich Anschütz
(German, 1920–1991)
Gustav Anschutz
(1811–died after 1854)
Hermann Anschutz
(German, 1802–1880)
Ottomar Anschutz
(German, 1846–1907)
Richard Anscomb
A. Ansdale
Charles Ansdell
G. Ansdell
George Ansdell
Richard Ansdell
(British, 1815–1885)
Robert Ansdell
Sylvia Ansdell
William Ansdell
Paul Anse
Frans Anseele
(Belgian, 1819–1897)
Robrecht Anseeuw
(Belgian, 1909–1946)
Yoshiaki Anseki
(Japanese, 1929–2016)
E. Ansel Sandberg-Haan
Elise Ansel
(American, 1961)
Evelyn Anselevicius
(American, 1951)
Jean-Louis Anselin
(French, 1754–1823)
Marianne Anselin
Charles Ansell
(British, 1752–died after 1796)
M. D. Ansell
Mary Jane Ansell
Michael Ansell
(American, 1948)
Montgomery Ansell
Tia Ansell
A. Ansello
Vladimir Anselm
(Russian, 1962)
Wilhelmine Anselmann
Jean L' Anselme
Louise Elisabeth Anselme
(French, 1923)
Alessandro & Giovanna de Sanctis Anselmi
Anna Anselmi
(Italian, 1936)
Anselmo Anselmi
(Italian, 1941)
Claudia Anselmi
(Uruguayan, 1958)
Franco Anselmi
(Italian, 1950)
Giorgio Anselmi
(Italian, 1723–1797)
Marc Anselmi
Michelangelo Anselmi
(Italian, 1492–1556)
Hélène Pourra Anselmier
(French, 1835–1911)
Antonio Joaquim Anselmo
Giovanni Anselmo
(Italian, 1934)
Mario Anselmo
(Italian, 1913–1989)
Paolo Anselmo
Pompeo di Anselmo
Victor Anselmo
(Turkish, 1978)
Eduard Ansen-Hofmann
(Austrian, 1820–1904)
Eugene Ansen-Hofmann
(Austrian, 1862–1955)
Enric Ansesa
(Spanish, 1945)
Richard Ansett
(British, 1966)
Isa Anshory
Thomas Anshutz
(American, 1851–1912)
Antoine Jean Joseph Ansiaux
(French, 1764–1840)
Roland Ansieau
(French, 1901–1987)
Leopoldo Ansiglioni
(Italian, 1832–1894)
Martin Ansin
Herman Johannes Ansingh
(Dutch, 1880–1957)
Lizzy Ansingh
(Dutch, 1875–1959)
Arnas Anskaitis
(Lithuanian, 1988)
Evelyne Ansker
William Anskis
(American, 1979)
Peter Laurensz van Ansloo
Igor Bitman and ANSO
Bill Anson
Charles I. Anson
George Anson
(English, 1697–1762)
Joy Anson
(Canadian, 1936)
Marc l' Anson
(Scottish, 1968)
Mark Anson
Martí Anson
(Spanish, 1967)
Rufus Anson
Kelvin Ansong
(Ghanaian, 1993)
Ansonia Copper and Brass Co.
(American, established 1845)
Janis Ansons
Ansorena (Co.)
(Spanish, established 1845)
Juán Ansótegui
(Spanish, 1966)
Henri Anspach
(Belgian, born after 1882)
Johannes Anspach
(Dutch, 1752–1823)
George Anstall
Alex Ansted
Lindy Anstey
(Northern Irish)
Sara Anstis
(Canadian/Swedish, 1991)
(Italian, established 1860)
Alexander (Sandro) Antadze
(Georgian, 1973)
Harun Antakyali
(Turkish, 1965)
Eduard Antal
(Slovakian, 1929–2011)
József Antal
Kata Antal
Lóránd Antal
Sandro Antal
(Hungarian, 1943)
Elvíra Antalová
(Slovakian, 1924–2011)
Beatrice Antalya
Alexander Antanenka
(Russian, 1951)
Karl Antao
Robin Antar
(American, 1957)
Ziad Antar
(Lebanese, 1978)
Bawa Antara
(Indonesian, 1974)
I Nyoman Antara
(Indonesian, 1976)
Axel Antas
(Finnish, 1976)
JOÃO Antas
René Antayol
Isaac Antcher
(Romanian, 1899–1992)
Abelardo Rodriguez Ante
(Cuban, 1930–1991)
Josef Antek
(Czech, 1911–1991)
Benedetto Antelami
Benjamin Antell
Leslie Antell
Maria Antelman
(Greek, 1971)
Chris Antemann
Djef Anten
(Belgian, 1851–1913)
Anteng Juntao
Isidro Antequera
(Spanish, 1926)
Adam Antes
(German, 1891–1984)
Horst Antes
(German, 1936)
Horst Kerstan and Horst Antes
Walter Euler and Horst Antes
Jan Anteunis
Gíldaro Antezana
(Bolivian, 1938)
Matthew Antezzo
(American, 1962)
Heinrich Franciscus Antheunis
Harry James Hanson and Devin Antheus
Johann-Friedrich Anthing
Dimitris Anthis
(Greek, 1925–1991)
Louis d' Anthoine
(French, 1814–1852)
Jacques Anthoine-Legrain
(1907–died circa 1970)
(Indonesian, 1969)
Anthology Quartet
(German, established 1983)
Sharron Antholt
(American, 1944)
Albertus Anthone
Armand Anthone
Gustave Anthone
(Belgian, 1897–1925)
Jules Alphonse Anthone
(Belgian, 1858–1923)
François-Marie Anthonioz
Philippe Anthonioz
(French, 1953)
A. Anthonis
(active circa 1900)
Victor Anthonis
Daniel Anthonisen
George R. Anthonisen
(American, 1936)
Arnoldus van Anthonissen
(Dutch, 1630–1703)
Hendrick Joseph Anthonissen
Hendrick van Anthonissen
(Dutch, 1605–died circa 1655)
Louis Joseph Anthonissen
(Belgian, 1849–1913)
Aert Anthonisz
(Flemish, born circa 1579–1620)
Cornelis Anthonisz
(Dutch, born circa 1505–1553)
Anthony Lent (Co.)
(established 2013)
Bill Anthony
(American, 1934)
Butch Anthony
Carol Anthony
(American, 1943)
Chris Anthony
David Anthony
David Leslie Anthony
Dick Anthony
Elaine Anthony
(American, 1943–1996)
Ernest Edwin Anthony
(American, 1894)
Gene Anthony
George A. Anthony
Gordon Anthony
Henry Mark Anthony
(British, 1817–1886)
Janice Anthony
(American, 1946)
Jean-Baptiste Anthony
(Belgian, 1854–1930)
Jesper Anthony
Mark Anthony
(British, 1817–1887)
Nicola Anthony
(British, 1984)
Norman Anthony
Paul Anthony
R.D. Anthony
Ripley O. Anthony
Scott Anthony
William Anthony
(American, 1934)
Willy Anthoons
(Belgian, 1911–1983)
Magdeleine Anthouard
(French, 1980)
Anti Social Social Club
(American, established 2015)
Anya Anti
(Ukrainian, 1988)
Marc Antia
(Native American, XX-XXI)
Miroslav Antic
Luka Anticevic
Carolina Raquel Antich
(Argentine, 1970)
Irene Antich
(Costa Rican)
Alexandre Antichkof
(Italian, 1460–1528)
Chris Antico
Concetta K. Antico
(Australian, XX)
Italo Antico
John Paul Antido
(Filipino, 1982)
Agustin Antiga
(Spanish, 1874–1942)
Alexandre Antigna
(French, 1817–1878)
Marc Antigna
Marie Helene Antigna
(French, 1837)
Serge Antigny
Francisco Antigua
Vladimir Antihovitch
(Russian, 1899–1971)
Kieran Antill
Lauri Antilla
Emmanuelle Antille
(Swiss, 1972)
Jeannette Antille
(Swiss, 1929–2007)
Fernando Antimano
Eleanor Antin
(American, 1935)
Paul d' Antin
(French, 1863–1930)
Nicola d' Antino
(Italian, 1880–1966)
Edoardo Antinori
(Italian, 1958–2006)
Giorgio Antinori
(Italian, XX)
Luigi Antinori
(Italian, 1941)
Kaiti Antipa
(Greek, 1925–2006)
Wiktor Antipienko
Nikolai Antipine
(Russian, 1931)
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Antipov
(Russian, 1917)
Eugenia Antipova
(Russian, 1917)
Johannes Antiquus
(Dutch, 1702–1750)
Fedor Vasilievich Antiukhin
(Russian, 1918)
Jeff Antkowiak
Max Antlers
(German, 1871–1929)
Glyn Antle-Trapnell
Jenson Anto
(Indian, 1967)
Mari Anto
Maria Anto
(Polish, 1936–2007)
Ciprian Antoci
(Romanian, 1995)
Gianmarco Antoci
Marcus Antocolsky
Giovanni Antognazzi
Alfredo Antognini
(Italian, 1960)
Richard Antohi
Gaspar Antoine de Bois-Clair
(French, 1654–1704)
Antoine et Manuel
Antoine Proulx (Co.)
(established 1992)
A. Antoine
Alix Antoine
(Haitian, 1953)
Annick Antoine
(French, 1943)
Christophe Antoine
(French, 1954)
Claude Antoine
Dominique Antoine
Elodie Antoine
(Belgian, 1978)
Etienne d' Antoine
Franz Antoine
(Austrian, 1814–1886)
H. Antoine
Jacques-Denis Antoine
(French, 1733–1801)
Jocelyne Antoine
Marc Antoine
Marcel Antoine
Marguerite Antoine
(Belgian, 1907–1988)
Montas Antoine
(Haitian, 1926)
Otto Antoine
(German, 1865–1951)
P. Antoine
Pierre Joseph Antoine
(Belgian, 1840–1913)
Robert Antoine
Franz Antoine
(Austrian, 1864–1935)
(Indonesian, 1969)
Gale Antokal
Elisa Antokolec
Mark Matveevich Antokolsky
(Lithuanian, 1843–1902)
Pavel Grigorevich Antokolsky
(Russian, 1896–1978)
Akira Antoku
Francisco Antolin
(Spanish, 1949)
Francisco Antolínez
(Spanish, 1644–1700)
José Antolinez
(Spanish, 1635–1675)
François (Dr.) Antommarchi
(Italian, 1780–1838)
Anton (Co.)
(Australian, established 1963)
Anton Heldwein (Co.)
(Austrian, established 1902)
Anton Hergesell (Co.)
Alejandra Antón Honorato
(Mexican, XX)
Nelson Anton K.
Mariano Anton y Serra
Barbara Anton
Bill Anton
(American, 1957)
E. Anton
Elena (Nina) Anton
(Romanian, 1959)
François Anton
(French, 1944)
Jolanta Anton
(Polish, 1975)
José Anton
Joseph Anton
M. Anton
(active circa 1879)
Misha Anton
(American, 1956)
Ottomar Anton
(German, 1895–1976)
Ovidiu Anton
(Romanian, 1982)
Peter Anton
(American, 1963)
Razvan Anton
(Romanian, 1980)
Teodoro Nieto Anton
(Spanish, 1944)
Victor Anton
(British, 1909–1980)
Werner Anton
(German, 1902–1976)
Andrew Antonaccio
Massimo Antonaci
(Italian, 1958)
Diana Antonakatou
(Greek, 1922–2011)
Stephen Antonakos
(American/Greek, 1926–2013)
Christos Antonaropoulos
Aristide Antonas
(Greek, 1963)
Bruno Antonazzo
H. Antone
Kurtis Antone
Cesare Antonelli
Marcello Antonelli
Piero Antonelli
(Italian, 1916–died before 1990)
Severo Antonelli
(Italian, 1907–1996)
Thomas Antonelli
(American, XX)
Antonello Ghezzi
Debora Antonello
(Italian, 1967)
Nadia Antonello
Olga Antonenko
Alexandru Antonescu
Corneliu Antonescu
(Romanian, 1944)
Febri Antoni
(Indonesian, 1976–2006)
Gianfranco Antoni
Guido Antoni
(Italian, 1919–2007)
Ib Antoni
Janine Antoni
(American, 1964)
Louis-Ferdinand Antoni
Friedrich Alois Maria Antoniacomi
(Italian, 1880–1975)
Carolina Antoniadis
Marta Antoniak
(Polish, 1986)
Alessandro ANTONIANI
(Italian, active 1715)
Francesco Antoniani
Paolo Maria Antoniani
Pietro Antoniani
(Italian, born circa 1740–1805)
Romano Antoniazzo
(Italian, 1435–1508)
David Antonides
(Canadian, 1958)
Krzysztof Antoniewicz
(Polish, 1922)
Chereau Antonine
Antonini (Co.)
(Italian, 1919)
Annapia Antonini
(Italian, 1942)
Carlo Antonini
(Italian, born circa 1740–1821)
Dante Antonini
Domenico Antonini
Giuseppe Antonini
Antonio & Enrica (Co.)
Antonio Ciulli e Figlio
(Italian, established 1902)
Francesco di Antonio da Ancona
Antonio Mak
(Chinese, 1951–1994)
Pedro Antonio Martínez
(Spanish, 1886)
Antonio Massari da Viterbo
(Italian, 1460–died circa 1516)
Angelito Antonio
(Filipino, 1939)
Cirillo Dell' Antonio
(German, 1876–1971)
Cristobal de Antonio
(Spanish, 1870)
Francesco Antonio
Frederica Antonio
(American, 1968)
Jose Luis de Antonio
(Spanish, 1953)
Juan Antonio
Julio Antonio
(Spanish, 1889–1919)
Lino António
Marcel Antonio
(Filipino, 1965)
Melissa Antonio
(Native American, 1965)
Mildred Antonio
(Native American, 1937)
Norma Belleza and Angelito Antonio
Ricardo Antonio
(Brazilian, XX)
Salvo d' Antonio
(Italian, active circa 1493–died circa 1525)
Pedro Antonio
(Spanish, 1614–1675)
Pedro Antonio
Fausto Antonioli
(Italian, 1814–1882)
Michelangelo Antonioni
(Italian, 1912–2007)
Tony Antonios
Carlo Antoniotavella
Sylvie Antoniotti
Andrew Antoniou
(Australian, 1951)
Platon Antoniou
Leonid Antoniouk
(Russian, 1949)
Mil Antonis
(Belgian, 1928)
Pasquale De Antonis
(Italian, 1901–2001)
Henri-Joseph Antonissen
(Flemish, 1737–1794)
Dimitrios Antonitsis
(Greek, 1966)
Ioana Antoniu
(Romanian, 1964)
Pierre Antoniucci
(French, 1943)
Volti (See VOLTI) Antoniucci
(French, 1915–1989)
Oleksandr Antoniuk
(Ukrainian, 1994)
Ruud Antonius
(Dutch, 1959)
Roby Dwi Antono
(Indonesian, 1990)
Anton Antonov
(Bulgarian, 1962)
Fedor V. Antonov
(Russian, 1904)
Konstantin Mikhailovich Antonov
Mikhail Antonov
Mikhail Ivanovich Antonov
(Russian, 1771–died circa 1829)
Mladen Antonov
Sergei Antonov
Sergei Nikolaievich Antonov
(Russian, 1884–1956)
V. Antonov
Viktor Antonov
Alena Antonova
(Czech, 1930)
Olga Antonova
(American/Russian, 1956)
Constantin Antonovici
(American, 1911–2002)
Antonio Maria Antonozzi
Carl Antonsen
(Danish, XX)
Lotta Antonsson
(Swedish, 1963)
Oscar Antonsson
Emil Antonucci
(American, XX-XXI)
(British, 1971)
Bruno Antony
(French, 1962)
Damien Antony
(French, 1858–1943)
Ignace Philippe d’ Antony
Maurice Antony
Guevorg Antonyan
Alexander Antonyuk
(Ukrainian, 1963)
Willy Antoons
Vaclav Antos
Vladimir Josef Antos
(Czech, 1884–1958)
Tania Antoshina
(Russian, 1959)
Tatiana Antoshina
Maria Anto Antoszkiewicz
Arès Antoyan
(American/French, 1955)
Kero S. Antoyan
(Armenian, 1912–1993)
A. van Antra
Paul Antragne
Louis Robert Antral
(French, 1895–1940)
Antranik Efendi
Garo Zareh Antreasian
(American, 1922–2018)
Craig Keith Antrim
(American, 1942)
Hugh Antrim
(American, XX)
A. van Antro
Edmund G. Antrobus
John Antrobus
(American, 1831–1907)
Aleksei Petrovich Antropov
(Russian, 1716–1795)
Ekatarina Antropova
(Russian, 1964)
Lindy Antsy
Aino Anttila
Eva Anttila
(Swedish, 1894–1993)
Tello Anttila
(Finnish, 1942–2011)
Juha Anttinen
(Finnish, 1927–2018)
Petri Anttonen
(Finnish, 1961)
Tuula Anttonen
(Finnish, 1970)
Kofi Antubam
Evgeniy Antufiev
Aert van Antum
(Dutch, 1580–1620)
Jarbas Juares Antunes
(Brazilian, 1936)
Leonor Antunes
(Portuguese, 1972)
Dayman Antunez
(Uruguayan, 1922–1992)
Manuela Antunez
(Chilean, 1956)
Nemesio Antunez
(Chilean, 1918–1993)
René van Antwerpen
Henri d' Anty
(French, 1910–1998)
Morin D’ Anty
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